The Moon and the Sun

Rajesh yadav
2 min readJul 13, 2023


The Moon and the Sun

In a realm of shattered dreams and aching hearts,
Where love was a masterpiece, torn apart,
We danced in shadows, entwined yet apart,
Two souls colliding, a tragedy from the start.

She was the moon, elusive and cold,
Casting her beauty, a tale left untold,
And I, the sun, consumed by a fiery desire,
Burning for her love, consumed in the fire.

We orbited each other, in a melancholic waltz,
Destined for heartbreak, our souls bore the faults,
Though we shared the same skies, side by side,
Our love remained distant, a cruel divide.

Too close, yet too far, like a fleeting dream,
Our hearts yearned for union, a love supreme,
But fate played its part, a cruel twist of fate,
Tearing us apart, sealing our woeful state.

I bathed her in warmth, a desperate plea,
But she craved the night, where darkness was free,
Our luminous collision, a symphony of pain,
In the depths of longing, we both waned.

We sought unity, a merging of souls,
To bridge the chasm, where love takes its toll,
Yet destiny’s hand, a cruel master of strife,
Kept us apart, in the tapestry of life.

She, the moon, a distant and unattainable prize,
I, the sun, forever yearning, forever in disguise,
Together, yet apart, we mourned our fate,
Lost in the echoes of a love that couldn’t abate.

In the realm of heartbreak, where love’s embers died,
Our tale remains etched, forever cast aside,
She, the moon, and I, the sun’s eternal pain,
Bound by destiny, forever longing in vain.

