If I were blind…

Rajesh yadav
2 min readJun 9, 2023


If I were blind

If I were blind, what would I see?
A world cloaked in shadows, devoid of glee.
No vibrant hues to ignite my soul,
Just a void of darkness, an eternal toll.

In this realm of blindness, I yearn to grasp,
The beauty that eludes my feeble grasp.
Oh, how I long to behold the sun’s gentle rays,
And trace the contours of a lover’s face.

Yet, as my eyes deceive, so does my heart,
For the truths it seeks are torn apart.
Illusions dance before me, taunting and cruel,
Leaving my spirit adrift, an unwitting fool.

The smiles I perceive, are they genuine or fake?
The laughter I hear, is it a masquerade I partake?
My fingers brush against an illusory world,
Where promises unravel and hopes are unfurled.

But in this darkness, a flame does ignite,
A wellspring of emotions, burning bright.
For though my sight is lost, my heart feels deep,
The pain, the joy, the sorrows I keep.

Through darkness, I discover a newfound sight,
A realm of emotions, where truth takes flight.
Blindness may veil my eyes, but not my soul,
In its depths, emotions surge and roll.

So, let me embrace this world unseen,
With open arms and a heart that’s keen.
For in the absence of sight, I find solace and grace,
A tapestry of emotions, I passionately embrace.

Help fund my friend’s eye treatment to bring colour back into his world. Even $1 can make a significant difference.

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