I killed myself!

Rajesh yadav
2 min readJun 10, 2023


I killed myself!

In the depths of introspection’s embrace,
A soul awakens to a harsh truth’s trace.
With heavy heart, burdened by remorse,
A realization dawns, setting its course.

In pursuit of pleasing every other eye,
The innocent self withers, begins to die.
Like a delicate flower, its essence fades,
Lost amidst the facade, a charade parades.

Once vibrant, filled with childlike glee,
Now silenced, drowned in conformity’s sea.
A sacrifice made to meet societal demands,
Yet losing the self, surrendering life’s strands.

Oh, the agony of a soul’s awakening,
To witness its own demise, forsaking
The dreams, the passions, the unique spark,
Traded for acceptance, to play a false part.

In pleasing the masses, the spirit’s slain,
Leaving behind remnants of joy and pain.
For what purpose, this grand masquerade,
If the essence of self begins to fade?

Let this be a call to reclaim thy soul,
To cast away the masks that took their toll.
Embrace the innocence, unburdened and free,
For in authenticity, true joy we see.

No longer shall the self be sacrificed,
In the pursuit of approval, lost amidst.
Awaken, dear soul, from the slumber deep,
Embrace thy truth, let not your essence seep.

For in the journey of self-discovery,
Lies the path to reclaiming sovereignty.
A testament to the power within your core,
To be true to yourself, forevermore.

So let the echoes of the past be released,
As the phoenix rises, from pain it’s leased.
Rebirth awaits, in embracing what’s true,
A self unshackled, a life anew.

Help fund my friend’s eye treatment to bring colour back into his world. Even $1 can make a significant difference.


