
Rajesh yadav
1 min readJun 5, 2023



In the realm of solitude, I reside,
With pen in hand, my thoughts collide.
A poet’s journey, timeless and true,
Unveiling truths, both old and new.

Expectations, a delicate game we play,
Balancing hopes as time slips away.
In quiet moments, whispers arise,
Yearnings concealed, hidden in our eyes.

We claim to ask for naught from others,
Yet deep within, the longing smothers.
A paradox, this human desire,
To seek what’s unspoken, stoke the fire.

With guarded hearts, we venture on,
Through life’s path, where shadows spawn.
Not expecting, yet hoping still,
For unexpected joys, against our will.

For in this dance, where hearts entwine,
We navigate the realms undefined.
Embracing mysteries, the unknown,
As expectations ebb and flow.

With open minds, we dare to dream,
Where reality and fantasy gleam.
No limits set, no boundaries found,
In this realm where possibilities abound.

So let us tread with open hearts,
Embrace the magic each day imparts.
For though we claim to ask of none,
Expectations linger, ‘neath the sun.

In this tapestry of life we weave,
A delicate balance, we must believe.
Not expecting anything, yet holding on,
To the hope that springs, when all seems gone.

