Echoes of Regret

Rajesh yadav
2 min readJul 31, 2023


Echoes of Regret

In the annals of time’s mournful plight,
Where shadows dance ‘midst fading light,
A truth unfolds in somber hue,
Of regrets that mar the chosen few.

From yesteryears to days of now,
The burdened hearts and furrowed brow,
Regrets they linger, ghosts unseen,
In every heart, in every dream.

For failures, though they cut so deep,
Still leave a chance for souls to leap,
To rise again and strive once more,
To mend what life hath torn before.

But regrets, they weave a web of woe,
A haunted tapestry in tow,
They linger in the heart’s dark space,
A constant throb, a cold embrace.

They whisper softly in the night,
Recalling choices gone alight,
With rueful tears and mournful sighs,
They claim more souls as each day dies.

Oh, how they haunt, these ghosts of past,
Their grip so firm, their hold so vast,
They chain the spirit to despair,
A weight too great for souls to bear.

In fleeting moments of reprieve,
A chance to mend, a hope to cleave,
Yet often lost in ocean’s deep,
As regrets drown dreams, the heart does weep.

Oh, wisdom’s plea, do heed its voice,
Embrace thy flaws, make peace, rejoice,
For failures leave a door ajar,
To try again, to journey far.

But regrets, they steal life’s tender breath,
A silent killer, leading to death,
In shadows deep, their victims lie,
Oh, regrets, how many souls you pry.

Yet still, hope lingers, like the dawn,
With each new morn, a chance is drawn,
To learn from failures, heal the pain,
And free the heart from regret’s dark chain.

So let us grasp the hands of fate,
Embrace our past, however late,
For in this dance of life’s ballet,
Regrets may haunt, but hope will sway.

